+91-0120-999999, +91-9999999999


Blockchain based web platform providing infrastructure to deploy real world scenarios with ease, implementing combination of bots, websites and human interactions to collectively achieve mission critical tasks, around a simplified entity management approach.

Problem and Platform

Bots/AI/Autonomous agents automate tasks or scenarios around user owned/managed entity or set of entities. Majority of bot deployment platforms today lack an entity management layer.

  • Hopabot provides an entity management layer where the DNA of the bot is derived from the underlying entity. The entity management layer allows to define process around different entities, seamless bot integration with the entities and provides a standard approach for bot-to-bot interaction and governance.
  • The platform provides a full ecosystem, with both entity and automation layers tightly coupled adding more robustness, higher level of security and standardization. Blockchain provides digital identity to entities and bots, and facilitates transactions between them. In addition, the platform provides a marketplace for entities, bots and services exchange.

Coming Soon

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Mukul Balodi
Devashish Balodi

Contact us

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Contact details

Greenfields, Faridabad, Haryana-121003

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